Buy Steroids Online

вторник, 25 декабря 2012 г.

How can steroid users prevent baldness?

Steroids are widely used in medicine and in bodybuilding and sports. A lot of individuals apply these medicines for improvement of their health. These drugs are prescribed to treat several illnesses. Moreover, numerous sportspersons and bodybuilders apply steroids in order to enhance muscle mass, gain strength, restore exercise-damaged muscle tissues, etc. But several persons are not ready to assume some risks related to these medications. It is known that anabolic steroids may lead to some unwanted consequences. One of side results of these products is hair loss. So, some persons try to avoid intake of anabolic steroids because they don’t want to experience this adverse consequence. Moreover, some persons are predisposed to this problem genetically. If they use some steroids, they may face baldness.
Luckily, certain adverse effects of anabolic steroids may be prevented or at least reduced and cured. As for hair loss, there are several drugs that can help to prevent this problem. There are also such medicines that are able to promote re-growth of hair. Those that have to apply steroids may utilize certain remedies to prevent hair loss or cause re-growth of hair. Which medicines are useful for this need?
Since hair loss occurs because of elevated levels of dihydrotestosterone, certain individuals apply Propecia that blocks dihydrotestosterone and prevents hair loss. But this is not the best medicine for prevention of hair loss while using steroids. Blocking of dihydrotestosterone by this drug may cause sexual problems.
Rogaine, Retin-A and Lattisse are useful. The FDA has approved Rogaine for treatment of hair loss. Rogaine may be combined with Retin-A or Latisse. Rogaine and Latisse have capacity to prevent hair loss that may occur because of anabolic steroids. As for Latisse, it is approved by the FDA for eyelash growth. But it is not approved by the FDA to be used in case of hair loss. Nonetheless, it is stated by several experts that this product may be used for re-growth of hair successfully.

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