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пятница, 29 марта 2013 г.

Tony Thompson: anti-doping laws and gun laws are similar

Steroids are widely administered around the world. While several individuals administer these medications in order to treat some diseases, others use them in order to induce increasing muscle mass, get energy, decrease fat deposits, etc. Undoubtedly, no one will be ever capable to contest positive results which can be achieved with the help of these products. But it is necessary to remember that steroids cause unwanted consequences along with benefits. That’s why those that plan to apply these drugs should study probable dangers before they start taking these medicines.
Knowing about potential risks, you can find certain methods in order to prevent or decrease them. Those who have ever applied anabolic steroids know that some of them convert into estrogen in the body, leading to such undesirable reactions, as water retention, gynecomastia, fat accumulation, etc. Anti-estrogen medicines can prevent or at least to reduce severity of these health problems. Steroids also suppress natural secretion of testosterone. Fortunately, there are several remedies which are able to restore this process.
Besides of medications, there are also other methods to prevent or minimize adverse effects. Doses should be lowered; cycles must not be prolonged; appropriate stacks should be chosen, etc.
While several adverse consequences of anabolic steroids are evident, others can be detected just with the help of lab tests. Thus, anabolic steroids may increase hematrocrit levels. This side effect is quite dangerous. Elevated hematocrit levels cause other severe negative results. Persons with this problem may face illnesses of cardiovascular system and problems linked with blood circulation. Even heart attack and death may be caused by high hematocrit levels. That’s why it is needed to check hematocrit levels while taking steroids.
If a steroid user finds out that he/she has high hematocrit levels, this individual should consult his/her treating physician. Administration of steroids must be stopped. Health care providers prescribe drugs for reduction of hematocrit levels. So, hematocrit levels should return to their normal levels. Otherwise, further complications will occur.
Hematocrit levels should be maintained within normal range. There are several simple rules which should be kept by athletes for this purpose. Those that train intensively should consume much water. Furthermore, it is recommended consuming grapefruit. It is stated that this fruit contains a substance that is able to reduce high hematocrit levels.
In case you want to avoid having high hematocrit levels, don’t administer anabolic steroids!

Steroid users may suffer from high hematocrit levels

The boxer Tony Thompson claims that anabolic steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs should be permitted in boxing. The sportsman considers that anti-doping laws and gun laws are identical. Who doesn’t break gun laws? Only good guys do it. As a result, good guys are at a disadvantage. So, the similar situation is related to anti-doping rules. Only honest sportsmen don’t use anabolic steroids and/or other performance-enhancing drugs. Thus, they fight with those who have increased their performance with the help of anabolic steroids and other related medicines.
It is stated that steroids are forbidden in sports because they are dangerous. What would you say about boxing in itself? Is boxing safe? The answer is evident.
But it is also claimed that it is needed to prohibit anabolic steroids and other related medications in order to make boxing safer. Anabolic steroids and other doping products enhance performance. The more enhanced performance is, the more dangerous matches are. However it is true, would you ban anything that promotes performance of boxers? Thus, you prohibit anabolic steroids because they enhance performance. Then prohibit trainings as well since they increase performance too! So, you will decrease performance while minimizing possible risks. What do you think about this aspect?
The boxer Tony Thompson also adds that detection tests are not efficacious at all. While many athletes use forbidden preparations, just some of them are caught and sentenced to suspensions. Thus, dopers have unfair advantage over those that don’t break anti-doping rules. There is no fairness.
Of course, arguments provided by Tony Thompson are reasonable. Anti-doping rules make rounds more unfair. Furthermore, the ban of doping doesn’t make matches safer. Numerous boxers continue to use steroids and/or other prohibited products without being caught. They continue to fight and have success with the help of doping, while good guys are at a disadvantage because they don’t break anti-doping rules.
So, if doping is allowed in boxing, matches will be fairer. Undoubtedly, they will remain unsafe. But they will be at least fair.
Tony Thompson has been harshly criticized for his arguments pro legalization of doping in boxing.

четверг, 21 марта 2013 г.

Steroids are abused in sports because they are effectual

Anabolic steroids are permanently administered by sportspersons, bodybuilders and by ordinary persons. Since these medications are banned in sports, doping scandals are reported each day. Other remedies are taken along with anabolic steroids. A lot of sportspersons are inclined to apply heroin. You would possibly wonder why heroin is used in sports. It is suggested that heroin is applied by athletes for relief of pain.
Studying history of doping in sports, you can notice that athletes are ready to take numerous strange things, if these remedies can enhance muscle mass, decrease fat deposits, add strength, speed recovery from injuries and kill pains. Gorgets and pickle juice are just certain remedies which are utilized along with anabolic steroids.
Doping is not a new factor in sports. Sportspeople dope from ancient times. They put efforts to introduce new remedies that can help them to reach several goals through increase of performance. It is often stated that sports are good for health. Sportspersons and bodybuilders are commonly viewed as healthy individuals. But it is a wrong point of view. Sports are connected with several risks for health. Sportspersons push their bodies till limits. They apply several dangerous remedies that promote their succeeding, acquiring awards and getting money. However some athletes achieve splendid results related to prizes, they ruin their health significantly. Certain sportspersons and bodybuilders even use such products which may be fatal. They do it in the name of physical performance and success in sports.
Although new remedies for enhancement of performance are elaborated, you possibly notice that the most of scandals are linked with steroids and growth hormones. While several medicines appear and disappear quickly, steroids are unlikely to disappear. Although anti-doping agencies try to eliminate intake of steroids from sports, their efforts turn out to be unsuccessful. While anti-doping officers develop more efficient tests for detection of anabolic steroids and other related medicines, athletes and bodybuilders find more sophisticated methods to dope and avoid detection. So, a lot of athletes dope while not being caught by anti-doping agencies. No one can contest that steroids and certain other performance-enhancing drugs are widely used in the world of sports and bodybuilding. Steroid use is unlikely to be eliminated from sports.

Role of anabolic steroids in murder committed by Oscar Pistorius

Oscar Pistorius acknowledged that he had murdered his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp. But the sportsperson stated that he had murdered her because he had mistaken her for an interferer.
Police officers try to define why the Olympic athlete actually murdered his girlfriend. They discovered anabolic steroids at the sportsman’s home.
Since anabolic steroids have been discovered in Oscar’s bedroom, it would be possibly stated that anabolic steroids caused uncontrolled violent behavior in the sportsman. Steroids would be blamed for the murder.
Actually, you should recognize that it is quite hardly to state that anabolic steroids are responsible for aggression and violent behavior. Researches related to this issue are quite limited. According to results of certain researches, consumers of steroids are predisposed to aggression, paranoia, jealousy, etc. It is claimed that those who administer anabolic steroids are more likely to be involved in crimes than those who have nothing to do with these medicines. But it is important to take in consideration that steroids may only contribute to aggression. Only these preparations alone can’t cause aggression. They turn out to be only contributive factors. Other factors should be also present for appearing of aggression. Circumstances play essential role in such cases. So, it is even impossible to define whether steroids cause aggression or several circumstances. Violent cases should be reviewed as a complex of steroid use and circumstances.
It is also stated by experts that increased testosterone levels are linked with aggression in several persons. So, it is necessary to underline here that while certain individuals with enhanced levels of testosterone suffer from aggression, others with enhanced levels of testosterone are not predisposed to uncontrolled violent behavior. This effect differs from one individual to another.
You can see that the connection between usage of steroids and violence is a complicated issue. Scientists have not studied this condition well enough to engage it. Thus, if defense lawyers of the Olympic athlete want to argue that steroids have made their client to murder his girlfriend, they should realize that they are going to utilize controversial statements.

пятница, 15 марта 2013 г.

Drug manufacturers help anti-doping officers to develop detection tests

Nowadays a lot of pharmaceutical companies are ready to cooperate with anti-doping officials in their fight against administration of banned drugs in sports. It sounds strange but this is the reality. In fact, if you review the fate of EPO, you can comprehend why drug manufacturers agree to support efforts of anti-doping agencies. EPO is actually an effective remedy for treatment of anemia. Numerous individuals with anemia that have used EPO have been treated. But what do you think while hearing about this medication? Almost any individual associates this remedy just with doping in sports. This preparation has been abused by the seven-time winner Lance Armstrong that has cheated the whole world. Thus, EPO is associated only with lying, dishonor, etc. Looking at this situation, pharmaceutical companies try to “defend” their medicines from the similar fate. That’s why they cooperate with anti-doping agencies.
However certain pharmaceutical companies began to cooperate with anti-doping agencies long ago, sometimes there were certain problems between them. Anti-doping officers criticized some pharmaceutical companies for their connections with doping.
Nowadays relations between anti-doping officials and pharmaceutical companies are better. Pharmaceutical companies share detailed information about new drugs with anti-doping officers. It is precious information for development of detection tests for these drugs. While anti-doping agencies find out how medications are manufactured, how they pass into body, how they work in the body, they can introduce more efficacious tests for these preparations.
For example, the company Roche that introduced the medicine CERA helped anti-doping officers to develop a detection test for it. Later other companies followed the example of Roche. The pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline went so far, as it sponsored an anti-doping lab during the 2012 Olympics.
While relations between anti-doping officers and big drug manufacturers become stronger, smaller pharmaceutical companies started to cooperate with anti-doping officers as well. While previously pharmaceutical companies haven’t desired to discuss about their relations with anti-doping officers openly, now they don’t fear to announce about this condition.

It is not necessary to test athletes for doping products

It is not needed to subject athletes to tests for doping substances. Numerous cases show that tests for prohibited medications are not effective. Moreover, it is important to understand that application of tests by anti-doping agencies is illogical at Olympics. The chief goal of Olympic athletes is following: to become faster, stronger and to be at the top level. Thus, why should you keep sportspersons far from medications which could help them to reach this result?
As you know, steroids and other related products boost performance. So, athletes should be allowed to use these remedies in order to increase physical performance.
Numerous persons say that anabolic steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs make competitions unfair. Is this opinion true? No, it wrong. You should comprehend that tests for steroids and other related preparations make competitions unfair. A lot of athletes take doping products while avoiding detection. Thus, several athletes apply steroids; others don’t violate anti-doping rules. As a result, dopers have unfair advantage over non-dopers. It’s unfair. Let all sportspersons have similar access to doping products. Thus, competitions will be fairer.
But discussing unfairness in sports, you should remember about other aspects which have more essential impact of fairness/unfairness than anabolic steroids and other related medicines. Some athletes live in developed countries; others are in less developed countries. Several athletes have money to get needed equipment; others can’t afford it. Several countries can sponsor sportspeople, trainers, sport doctors and managers; others are not capable to do it. So, unfairness should be discussed here.
Olympic athletes spend much time while training. They sacrifice time, money, etc. That’s why it is illogical to ban those who are caught taking steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs.
While athletes are sentenced to suspensions for usage of anabolic steroids and several other chemical substances, they are never banned for application of herbs and certain potions. It is stated that steroids and other chemical substances are banned in sports because they can increase physical performance. But what is for herbs and potions? They are also able to boost energy. Nonetheless, these remedies are not banned in sports.  Chinese sportspersons take herbal remedies and win.
Of course, you may argue that steroids and certain other medications may result in grave adverse effects. Undoubtedly, certain forbidden preparations may cause serious health problems. But those that intend to take these medicines do own research. They know about possible risks. Let sportspersons decide whether it is worthy to administer such preparations. If they are ready to ruin health, let them do it because they should manage own bodies.

вторник, 12 марта 2013 г.

Steroids from China

David Howman, the director general of the WADA, claims that China is the main source of raw materials utilized by underground labs for manufacture of anabolic steroids, HGH and other related medicines. Raw powders are shipped from this country. Then underground labs manufacture illicit medications which are sold by dealers at gyms and on the streets.
The black market of anabolic steroids controls sales of illegal drugs on the white market. The black market is the source of medications which are purchasable on the white market. It is stated that almost all preparations which are sold have been originally obtained from underground labs that have used raw materials from China.
Elite athletes are often blamed for intake of steroids and other related medicines. Since doping scandals appear every day, a lot of individuals believe that steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs are mainly administered by elite sportspersons. But it is important to notice that this a wrong opinion. Some specialists have determined that steroids and other related medicines are more widely taken by high school students and aged persons that try to improve their appearance. While students desire to increase muscle mass with the help of steroids and several other illicit drugs, aged persons try to add strength and reduce fat deposits with the help of these medicines.
Unluckily, legal supplements often contain steroidal compounds. Companies add such substances intentionally. As a result, those who take only nutritional and/or sport supplements turn out to be consumers of steroids. According to the WADA director David Howman, it is necessary to supervise supplement industry in order to prevent appearing of supplements which contain steroidal compounds.

Anti-doping agencies will never eradicate doping from sports

What do you believe about legalization of doping in sports?  Several persons consider that it is time to legalize it. Others don’t agree. What is your opinion?
Those that are against legalization of doping in sports think that anabolic steroids and other related drugs represent essential evil. They may cause serious unwanted results in users. Furthermore, a doper has unfair advantage over a non-doper during competitions.
According to another point of view, intake of steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs should be permitted in sports. Let athletes apply whatever they want! If they want to apply anabolic steroids, let them do it! If they intend to apply other drugs, let them do it! If they want to take several products, let physicians monitor their intake! Physicians know what their patients should do in order to avoid certain side effects. So, doping products will not lead to severe adverse results. As a result, intake of anabolic steroids and other related medicines will be relatively safe for health and life of consumers.
As you know, steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs are currently forbidden in sports. When athletes are suspected and/or found guilty of doping, scandals appear. Such cases are often discussed during TV shows, in magazines, newspapers, on internet, etc. You must know that every scandal commonly contains not only truth but also gossips, exaggerations, etc. As a result, you can’t assure whether some affirmations are true or not.
Those who are against legalization of doping in sports say that sportspersons increase performance unnaturally with the help of anabolic steroids and other related drugs. Discussing about enhancement of athletic performance, you should remember about enhancement of sexual performance, cognitive abilities, improvement of health, etc. Why do we take several medicines and supplements, improving our health and life, while blaming sportspersons who try to promote performance with anabolic steroids and other doping products? Isn’t it hypocrisy? You would notice that steroids and some other performance-enhancing drugs cause health problems. Yes, it is true. But what do you consider about usage of caffeine and nicotine? They are accepted in the society. But it is necessary to notice that caffeine and nicotine result in more severe health troubles than anabolic steroids and other related medications. Nonetheless, users of caffeine and nicotine are not so harshly blamed, as users of steroids.
Anti-doping agencies believe that they will soon eliminate doping from sports. “Sports will be clean”, - they exclaim. But it is necessary to acknowledge that doping will be never eradicated from sports. Anti-doping officers will not be ever able to do it. While they elaborate new tests and increase penalties for usage of banned substances, sportspersons find new ways to avoid detection. So, anyone should comprehend that this “game” will never end, if doping is not legalized in sports.

вторник, 5 марта 2013 г.

Increase of athletic performance

The sportswriter Dan Le Batard notes that it is needed to think over our attitude to doping. Do we evaluate different athletes identically? Do we accept usage of anabolic steroids and other related products by sportspersons? What is our real attitude towards sportspersons that apply steroids and/or other performance-enhancing drugs/procedures? Do we admire of those that have success in sports because of anabolic steroids and other related remedies?
Sometimes the society is responsible for doping of athletes. The society should be demonized for abnormal actions of sportspersons. The society admires of abnormal things that occur in sports. The society expresses admiration of those that have ligaments removed from cadavers. The society praises sportspersons that are involved in various abnormal actions: playing football with catheter, cutting fingers off, etc. Sportspersons do a lot in order to become celebrated. They submit to various procedures that are not needed for their health. Moreover, they apply such medications and procedures which cause different health problems in them. Why do they do such things? The answer is evident: they want to be praised; they desire to become famous. So, they do it in the name of athletic performance. While athletes use remedies which result in essential harm in them, we support their actions through our admiration, awards, money, etc.
In fact, the society is hypocritical. While we are used to demonize anabolic steroids and several other prohibited medications, we don’t condemn sportspersons that utilize different procedures for enhancement of their athletic performance. While we blame certain dopers, we praise others. Why are several medications and procedures forbidden for increase of performance, while others are allowed? Let be reasonable! If you blame steroids, don’t support those who apply alternatives to these preparations that are also capable to promote athletic performance. If you want to see natural talents of sportspersons, don’t support those that submit to different procedures for increase of athletic performance! Before you blame or admire someone/something, think over this aspect! Don’t hurry and be honest!

Anti-aging clinics are involved in doping scandals

Many anti-aging clinics are linked with steroid scandals. It’s not surprisingly because they supply sportspersons and bodybuilders with anabolic steroids and other related medications. When appropriate authorities raid anti-aging clinics and confiscate documents, they see that certain successful sport figures are clients of the clinics.
Recently some anti-aging clinics located in Miami were investigated. Federal agents found that the clinics offered prescription drugs for sale illegally. The clinics sold preparations for enhancement of muscle mass, weight loss, increase of endurance, etc.
According to the newspaper the Miami New Times, the anti-aging clinic Biogenesis was found guilty of illegal sale of doping products. Furthermore, such famous baseball players, as Alex Rodriquez and Melky Cabrera purchased doping products at Biogenesis of America. So, the anti-aging clinic turned out to be related to one of the biggest steroid scandals in baseball.
Medical records of Biogenesis were obtained from an employee of the clinic. The records were presented on the site of the newspaper Miami New Times. Journalists claimed that the employee who provided the records didn’t want to be identified.
It is reported that steroids, HGH, IGF-1 and other prescription medicines are widely sold illegally by anti-aging clinics. Furthermore, clinics hire physicians that provide fake prescriptions. Prescriptions for anabolic steroids and other related preparations are often given to clients without needed evaluation of their personal conditions. Moreover, physicians provide prescriptions even without seeing their patients. In additions to these aspects, certain corrupt physicians allow anti-aging clinics to utilize their prescription pads. So, anti-aging clinics sell steroids, painkillers and other prescription medications illegally, as if they acted legally.
When illicit operations of anti-aging clinics become evident, owners of clinics, doctors and several employees are sentenced to certain penalties. Nevertheless, the risk to receive punishment doesn’t stop clinics from their illicit operations. However proper authorities try to eradicate illegal sale of prescription preparations, their success is not yet significant.

понедельник, 4 марта 2013 г.

Frank Thomas: Barry Bonds, Roger Clemens and Sammy Sosa are tainted

Although some individuals consider that doping will be never eradicated from sports, you can come across more optimistic points of view related to this issue.
Frank Thomas, a former MLB player claims that he has had success has in baseball without administration of anabolic steroids and other related products. He is happy that he has never doped. Looking at Sammy Sosa, Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens, he is proud of his achievements in baseball. The baseball stars Barry Bonds, Roger Clemens and Sammy Sosa have reached great success. But now their accomplishments are removed. These sportspersons are considered to be liars. They haven’t been introduced into the Baseball Hall of Fame, despites of their success. Frank Thomas is glad about this aspect. He notices that steroid users must never be in the Hall of Fame. Furthermore, Frank Thomas claims that he has played during the steroid era successfully without usage of prohibited drugs.
Frank Thomas notices that he has respected the great baseball players Sammy Sosa, Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens.  But since they have taken steroids and/or other banned medications, Frank Thomas doesn’t consider them stars longer. However, he doesn’t have critical words for them. But Frank Thomas claims that usage of doping products is their decision and they have to suffer the consequences, being out of the Baseball Hall of Fame.
Barry Bonds, Roger Clemens and Sammy Sosa turned out to be tainted. Their accomplishments don’t cost anything because they are fake. Such sportspersons shouldn’t be praised.
Frank Thomas thinks that the MLB acts correctly, agreeing to introduce blood testing for HGH. While baseball players have been subjected to urine testing for HGH, they will also submit to blood testing for this forbidden product regularly. So, Frank Thomas thinks that the anti-doping program becomes more effective in the MLB. He suggests that doping will be eliminated from this sport totally. Games will be soon “clean”, according to Frank Thomas.

No any anti-doping system will make sports “clean”

Many professional athletes obtained anabolic steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs from Biogenesis, a Miami anti-aging clinic. The famous baseball stars Alex Rodriquez, Melky Cabrera and Bartolo Colon also belonged to persons that purchased anabolic steroids at this clinic.
What is unusual here? - Nothing. Steroids and other related medications are widely administered in baseball and in other sports. Athletes buy these preparations at pharmacies, clinics, etc. Numerous anti-ageing clinics, drug manufacturers and other related establishments sell anabolic steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs illegally. The Miami clinic Biogenesis is not the only clinic that is involved in illicit actions linked with steroids and other prescription drugs. Athletes find various methods to get anabolic steroids and other related medications and take them. Although anti-doping agencies try to eliminate doping from sports, their efforts are not successful.
Do you consider that anti-doping officials don’t work enough well? Do you believe that they should elaborate more sophisticated drug testing systems? Do you consider that they don’t do their job appropriately?
It is important to realize that no any drug testing program is capable to eliminate doping from sports entirely. Athletes find many ways to avoid detection. Usage of doping remedies is a part of sports. It exists from ancient time. Even ancient Greeks and Romans had certain methods to enhance their performance to win. Will sportspersons discontinue taking anabolic steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs now?
Several athletes buy undetectable drugs and take them. Moreover, they hire experts that supply them with recommendations on administration of anabolic steroids and/or other doping products. Thus, certain sportspersons have unfair advantage over others. Anti-doping officers can’t change the situation. They are not capable to make sports “clean”. What is it necessary to do under such circumstances? It is probably necessary to legalize doping in professional sports. So, anyone will be allowed to apply whatever he/she wants. As a result, no any athlete will have unfair advantage over another.
But since anabolic steroids and other related medications are not permitted in sports, sportspersons try to find ways to buy and use these products, avoiding detection. When it becomes obvious that certain sportspersons dope, scandals are reported.