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вторник, 27 ноября 2012 г.

Not each Lance Armstrong’s teammate testifies against him

The USADA has publicized a report on the prominent cyclist Lance Armstrong.
Which impression do people get, when they study this report? It is claimed that a lot of persons believe that every teammate of this celebrated cyclist has applied steroids and/or other prohibited products. But is it true opinion? Has each Lance Armstrong’s teammate doped?
According to the dossier on this sportsman, 11 teammates testified against him, claiming that he administered doping products. Furthermore, it was confirmed that Lance Armstrong and the most mates of his team used sophisticated methods in order to be capable to dope and avoid detection.
Although certain Lance Armstrong’s teammates admitted to taking steroids and/or other related medications, some teammates denied doping. For example, Julian Dean and Patrick Jonker were two teammates of the American cyclist that denied using performance-enhancing drugs.
Julian Dean claimed that he neither doped, nor saw Lance Armstrong using anabolic steroids and/or other related preparations.
As for Patrick Jonker, his statements were like those of Julian Dean. He claimed that he had never taken any banned remedies. He claimed that he competed cleanly and didn’t take any unfair advantage.
According to Patrick Jonker, administration of anabolic steroids and other related medicines is a serious problem in cycling. He thinks that a lot of cyclists dope. He considers that it is necessary to fight against administration of steroids and other related substances in cycling. But he considers that proper methods should be applied by anti-doping agencies. This athlete is full of indignation, talking about prosecution linked with Lance Armstrong.  Patrick Jonker thinks that murderers are less pursued than the famous cyclist.

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