Buy Steroids Online

понедельник, 10 сентября 2012 г.

Prostitutes look attractive because of corticosteroids

Recently Australian Customs and Border Protection arrested four individuals that had the anabolic steroids Oxandrolone (Anavar) and Primoteston Depot (testosterone). Andrew Almada, Cheuk Fai Chan, Prabal Islam and Mohammed Islam desired to smuggle these medications to Bangladesh. The preparations were confiscated and these men were detained.
The Sydney Morning Herald newspaper presented a report about this case, claiming that 4 men were arrested while they wanted to traffic steroids that were intended for usage by prostitutes in Bangladesh. This report surprised a lot of people. What does The Sydney Morning Herald newspaper inform about? Do prostitutes apply the same medicines like sportspersons and bodybuilder who try to improve their performance, increasing muscle mass and energy? Why do prostitutes apply anabolic steroids? Which is the goal?
Some individuals understood that it was wrong to write that Andrew Almada, Cheuk Fai Chan, Prabal Islam and Mohammed Islam wanted to smuggle the steroids in order to inject prostitutes with them. Undoubtedly, prostitutes don’t apply anabolic steroids. There is confusion here. Prostitutes apply corticosteroids that differ from anabolic steroids wholly. Corticosteroids cause other effects. They have capacity to increase performance in prostitutes. While anabolic steroids increase muscle size and decrease fat deposits, corticosteroids induce wasting muscles and increase body fat levels.
Orexadon is one of catabolic steroids taken by prostitutes. Those that take this medication look healthier and more attractive. So, such prostitutes who apply this preparation have more clients.
A prostitute who administers Orexadon confirms that she can serve up to 15 clients per day.
So, it is possible to affirm that prostitutes don’t apply anabolic steroids which are commonly indicated for performance-enhancing effects in sports and bodybuilding. Corticosteroids are more proper drugs for them.
The Sydney Morning Herald newspaper published a false piece of news. Andrew Almada, Cheuk Fai Chan, Prabal Islam and Mohammed Islam didn’t smuggle steroids for prostitutes in Bangladesh.

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