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четверг, 21 февраля 2013 г.

NECC had to be sanctioned earlier

In 2003 the FDA designed to close the New England Compounding Center (NECC) which last year caused the meningitis outbreak in some states of America. The company produced contaminated Methylprednisolone Acetate injections. Over 400 persons who applied the tainted steroid injections got fungal meningitis. This disease turned out to be tragic for 39 persons.
According to a late report published by the House of Energy and Commerce Committee, the meningitis outbreak could have been prevented. The report presented many cases linked with the Massachusetts pharmacy that should have been shut down by the FDA earlier.
The FDA claimed in 2003 that the Massachusetts pharmacy should not have produced preparations till improving of the situation. But finally the FDA didn’t ban manufacture of drugs at the NECC. Since the NECC was claimed to be a pharmacy, it should have been monitored by Massachusetts officials. Thus, the FDA let Massachusetts colleagues to resolve the problem. As for Massachusetts officials, they didn’t ban manufacture of medicines immediately. The NECC continued to produce drugs. Just Barry Cadden, the owner of the pharmacy, received reprimand.
Furthermore, the Massachusetts pharmacy was accused of certain illicit activities. The company acted improperly under its license. Being a pharmacy, the NECC acted as a manufacturer and shipped thousands dosages of preparations to hospitals and individual patients.
In 2002 certain persons got unusual adverse results after they had used bethamethasone injections produced by the NECC.
Later certain persons who administered methylprednisolone acetate injections produced by the Massachusetts pharmacy were contaminated with bacterial meningitis. Since these individuals received complete recovery because of treatment with antibiotics, the case was forgotten. The Massachusetts pharmacy was not punished for the tainted drugs.
These and even several other cases manifest that the Massachusetts pharmacy should have punished earlier. The Compounding Center should have been closed for its illicit and improper actions. But the Massachusetts pharmacy was never sentenced to any severe penalties. As a result, the company continued to manufacture medications that were dangerous for consumers’ health. Ultimately, the meningitis outbreak caused by contaminated injections of the NECC spread to several states and sickened numerous individuals. If the company had been shut down earlier, the contamination with deadly fungal meningitis would not have taken place.

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