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воскресенье, 4 ноября 2012 г.

Attitude of Arnold Schwarzenegger to steroid use in bodybuilding

Arnold Schwarzenegger took anabolic steroids. These remedies helped him to have success. The bodybuilder admitted that he succeeded because of these drugs significantly. But he also affirmed that other competitive bodybuilders applied these medicines too. The bodybuilder was aware of the fact that all elite athletes and bodybuilders used anabolic steroids. If Arnold Schwarzenegger had not used doping products, other bodybuilders would have had unfair advantage over him.
Although the celebrated bodybuilder admitted to intake of steroids, he never apologized. Intake of these medications was not banned, when Arnold Schwarzenegger competed. Administration of steroids and other related medicines didn’t represent any problem in bodybuilding during that time.
Arnold Schwarzenegger affirmed that he didn’t know about risks related to intake of these medicines. But he also added that earlier bodybuilders didn’t apply increased measures like current bodybuilders.  That’s why it was not dangerous to apply these remedies.
Today it is important to consider that athletes and bodybuilders apply very high dosages that may have negative impact on health. Application of high doses usually causes dangerous irreversible undesirable effects. That’s why Arnold Schwarzenegger is against usage of steroids for athletic purposes. Measures that were applied by the celebrated bodybuilder were lower by 20 times than those applied by current bodybuilders. That’s why Arnold Schwarzenegger cooperated with International Federation of Bodybuilders against usage of doping products in competitive bodybuilding.

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