The ESPN2 journalist Skip Bayless accuses Derek Jeter, a baseball player, of steroid use. He has pronounced his thoughts of criticism during the talk show “First take”.
Actually, the ESPN2 journalist doesn’t have any basis in order to suppose that Derek Jeter takes banned medications. Despites this fact, the statements of the ESPN2 journalist have been spread. Before accusing Derek Jeter of doping, Skip Bayless started to criticize anti-doping system of the MLB. He noticed that the MLB’s tests for banned products are not advanced enough to detect those who use banned medicines.
The journalist Skip Bayless reminded Victor Conte’s point of view related to testosterone:epitestosterone ratio test which is utilized in the MLB. This method is not sophisticated enough to catch those who use banned preparations. Instead of this method, it is necessary to utilize another. Carbon isotope ratio is more sophisticated.
The ESPN2 journalist also stated that the MLB didn’t have any testing for HGH. The test for this product is performed in the MLB only once per year. But blood tests for this product should be performed more times during year. Under other circumstances, players may apply this medicine and avoid detection.
Thus, the journalist believes that Derek Jeter applies HGH and other performance-enhancing drugs. Skip Bayless also confirms that if he were a baseball player, he would choose HGH.
So, the ESPN2 journalist supposes that MLB players apply HGH and probably other banned products without being detected by anti-doping officers.
It is quite obvious that the steroid era in baseball is not over. Professional baseball players administer different banned medicines and avoid detection. But no one can accuse an athlete of steroid use, basing just on improper drug testing. It is necessary to focus on facts, accusing an athlete of administration of forbidden medications. Otherwise, any suspicion doesn’t have any value.
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