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суббота, 7 июля 2012 г.

Links between usage of steroids, fat distribution and cardiovascular diseases

A precious study was conducted at Lulea University of Technology and Umea University. Scientists studied and set links between intake of steroids, fat distribution in body and certain undesirable effects of anabolic steroids. The study has displayed that consumers of steroids can experience abnormal fat distribution that may cause heart attacks and other problems linked with cardiovascular system.
The results of the research and conclusions were published in The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research.
 10 Swedish elite lifters were enrolled in the study. They use anabolic steroids regularly. So, it was studied role of steroids in fat distribution.
It is affirmed that lifters who use anabolic-androgenic steroids have risks suffering from heart attacks. It has been studied by specialists at Lulea University of Technology and Umea University the way body fat is distributed in lifters that apply steroids having anabolic and androgenic characteristics. It has been defined that unhealthy fat distribution can be a reason for diseases of cardiovascular system.
The lifters who were enrolled in the study were divided into 2 groups. Body fat distribution was studied in all lifters. The lifters of one group took anabolic steroids. The lifters of the other group didn’t take steroids.
The research has displayed that those who use steroids have more reduced fat deposits below the waist. Thus, they have more decreased levels of gynoid fat.
DEXA scanner that is usually applied to study osteoporosis has been utilized in order to determine fat distribution by the specialists of the study.

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