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понедельник, 9 апреля 2012 г.

The CIAC has special requirements, when it comes to changes in body weight of wrestlers

The businessman Mark Mansa from Bethel (Connecticut)  was charged with distributing anabolic steroids to High School students from the Greater Danbury.
But it wasn’t proven yet whether it is so, as it has been reported. A lot of persons don’t think that wrestlers of High Schools have purchased and used prohibited medicines. High School wrestling is a preferred sport in Greater Danbury area. Positive attitude to this sport blinds many persons totally. They don’t even suppose that it may be true that High School wrestlers have applied steroids, especially anabolic steroids.
Why are anabolic steroids stressed especially? Anabolics are applied to acquire muscle size in short period of time quite significantly. Thus, many persons believe that while High School students of other sports must have taken steroids, wrestlers are not included in their group. Their affirmation has been supported by the wrestling coach Ricky Shook. His team is well-known because of getting 10 State Open titles. The trainer  assures that there is no any relation to steroids.
Actually, wrestlers cannot apply steroids or other related medications to bulk up because there are strict weight rules which are established and regulated by the CIAC.  
The wrestler Matt Saraceno was asked about possibility of taking steroids by persons that are involved in this sport. This individual claimed that there was no any possibility of taking steroids. He mentioned that steroids couldn’t help to keep the weight of the body down. He said that it was not possible.
Thus, this wrestler broke statements of many persons about possibility of applying steroids by wrestlers. Since steroids are applied for enhancement of muscle size, it would be as a negative result for a wrestler who puts efforts to keep his body mass to meet criteria of certain weight class. Moreover, the indications linked with weight loss are quite strict in wrestling. Even insignificant changes in body mass can lead to a lot of troubles. Sudden weight adding and enhancement of muscles will lead to several problems like sudden loss of body mass.
The CIAC states that wrestlers should avoid unhealthy loss of weight. Only established amount of body weigt may be lost during a season. The CIAC controls changing in body mass of wrestlers. So, the risks related to administration of prohibited medicines are very increased for wrestlers.
The wrestling coach Shook claims that he doesn’t want to train those who apply banned products, alcohol and tobacco. He reports that he says these words each year during interviews for the New-Times.  So, the trainer assures that he doesn’t coach any consumer of prohibited preparations. But if he observes such person in his team, he will announce about this situation.
The trainer Shook says that wrestling is healthy in comparison with its position in earlier time. They have a specific program. The wrestlers are subjected to to urine analyses and hydration. This is the sport that makes more tests than any other sport that is in Connecticut.
However the coach has admitted that  a wrestler may hide his usage of steroids from him, but it is unlikely.
So, wrestling prevents intake of banned medicines. There is hope that it will continue to follow this way.

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