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среда, 8 февраля 2012 г.

The director general of the WADA claims that anabolic steroids are much more profitable than heroin

The director general of the WADA David Howman seems to consider that Clenbuterol is included in the group of anabolic steroids. This man believes that illegal heroin is not as profitable as anabolic steroids which are legal, if they are got and used according to physicians’ prescriptions. Howman is also surprised by the affirmation that steroids are applied in order to enhance growth of livestock.
The director general of the WADA  says that application of steroids for growth of livestock is quite evident due to contaminated beef in China. This person notices that the WADA has written to the Chinese minister that has to explain what actually happens in the food industry of this country.
Howman speaks about Clenbuterol as about an anabolic steroid. The director general of the WADA notices that Chinese beef contains steroids. This man consideres mistakenly like numerous other individuals think that all drugs that have performance-enhancing effects are anabolic steroids. It displays ignorance of these individuals. They should understand that not only anabolic steroids belong to the list of banned preparations. There are medications that cause performance-enhancing effects but they are not steroids.
Since Howman is the director general of the World ADA, he should show essentially better knowledge connected with prohibited medications. Howman must comprehend the difference between such medications as Clenbuterol and anabolic steroids.
The director general of the WADA says that steroid smuggling is much more profitable than heroin smuggling because steroids are legal in certain cases but heroin is illegal under any circumstances. Moreover, anabolic steroids are legal in many countries.
David Howman  adds that controlled products are dangerous for youth, elite sportspeople and any individual that purchases and administrates them not for legal needs.

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